CHaSE 2020

“CHaSE (Careers in Health and Science Exposition) is a unique and interactive career fair, where life science companies and YOU, the future of the life science sector, are properly introduced! CHaSE allows graduating students to seek employers, internships or thesis projects and non-graduating students to learn about their careers paths. The day includes company booths, seminars, workshops as well as career and education programme- specific workshops. 75 companies have participated in previous years including: Boston Consulting Group, AstraZeneca, Bayer AG, Danderyds Skjuhus, Medicins San Frontieres, Novo Nordisk, Stockholm Lans Landsting etc.

This year it will be a full online event! Remember to register before-hand. You can find more infos our websites! Come prepared to discover, network, interact and have your career questions answered!”

We would be very happy to invite students from KTH to CHaSE! However, we had some difficulties in means how to reach them best. Therefore I am writing to you and would very much appreciate if you have any tips and ways how to communicate this information best among KTH’s students. Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Theresa Mader

Marketing mananger, CHaSE 2020