BOOK Sekfunk

IMPORTANT: Sekfunk should only be booked when no other spaces are available and should primarily be used for interviews and short meetings.

Capacity: ∼ 8 persons

Check availability of Sekfunk in the calendar below. In the calendar, click on a booking to see when it ends.

Fill out the form to book a time slot. The booking system is not able to prevent double bookings, so make sure your time slot is available before confirming your booking. Note that it might take a few minutes for your booking to appear in the calendar.

The following rules apply when booking Sekfunk:

  • You can make as many bookings as you want, but keep in mind that we are many chapter members and associations sharing a limited amount of meeting space. Sharing is caring <3

  • Do not abuse the booking system by making booking that you will not be utilizing. Also, if you do no longer need your booking, you should remove it by contacting

  • The Eventkoordinator reserves the right to make final decisions regarding bookings or booking disputes, including violation of the rules above and following consequences.