
Q: What do I do if I will miss a mandatory moment in a course?
A: Take contact with the person responsible for the course as soon as possible and see if there is some complementary exercise you can do instead.


Q: How late can I be for an exam?
A: You have to be at the door for at least 30 minutes after the time for the exam has started. After that you are allowed to take a seat. Are you more than 30 minutes late after the stated time, you won't be allowed into the room and can not write the exam?

Q: What is a “kontrollskrivning”?
A: ‘’kontrollskrivning’’ is a smaller type of exam which often works as a preparation for the real one. They can often result in some sort of bonus for the actual exam.

Q: How often are you allowed to take exams in failed courses? How often do they occur?
A: It varies from course to course how often they can be written. It often depends on how often the course can be taken throughout the year. 

Q: If I get FX as a grade, what should I do?
A: The grade FX means that you are slightly under the limit to  pass the exam but are given a chance to prove that you are worthy. Take contact with your teacher and see what they want you to prepare for the next occasion for students with the FX grade. Often the teacher has some questions specifically for this and this. 

Q: My exam has been faultly corrected, what should I do?
A: As a student you have the right to demand a ‘’omprövning’’ of your exam. By doing so the teacher can take a second look at your exam to see if there was something that was missed in the first correction.

Q: What is allowed to bring to an exam? 
A: What is allowed depends on the course and what the teacher says is OK. Something you should always bring is some sort of ID. 

Q: How do i sign up for re-exam or “plus-exam’’?
A: You do this on your personal menu,  you go to “Programme” then to “Exams” and register for the re-exam in your given course. You do this also for the “plus-exam” but furthermore you have to contact the examiner to inform that you are taking a “plus-exam”.


Q: How many credits (högskolepoäng) do I need for promotion to the next grade?
A: Year 1 to 2: You need 45 credits from your first year in the programme.
Year 2 to 3: You need in total 90 credits, where at least 50 credits are from your first year.
Year 3 to master: You need 150 credits from year 1-3, where 110 credits are from year 1-2. Furthermore, you will need a completed bachelor thesis.
Year 1 of master to year 2 of master: You need to pass the demands for year 3 to master, and 45 credits from your first year in the master programme.

Q: If I do not fulfil the requirements for promotion but still wants to read new courses, what do I do?
A: You will need to contact the student counselling for your programme to establish an individual study plan.


Q: How many credits (högskolepoäng) do I need for promotion to the next grade?
A: There are no specific credits, or advancement requirements (uppflyttningskrav) during the first three years. To be able to read new courses you must fulfil the special eligibility requirements for the course. You find these on the course plan. To be admitted to the master you need 150 credits from year 1-3, where 110 credits are from year 1-2. Furthermore, you will need a completed bachelor thesis.

Q: How many credits (högskolepoäng) do I need for promotion to the next grade?
A: Year 1 to 2: You need 45 credits from your first year in the programme.
Year 2 to 3: You need in total 90 credits, where at least 50 credits are from your first year.
Year 3 to master: You need 150 credits from year 1-3, where 110 credits are from year 1-2. Furthermore you will need a completed bachelor thesis.

Q: If I do not fulfill the requirements for promotion but still wants to read new courses, what do I do?
A: You will need to contact the student counseling for your programme to establish an individual study plan.

Exchange studies

Q: Who do I contact if I am interested in exchange studies?
A: You can take contact with the coordinator for exchange studies at your program. They sit at the office of the school you are going to. You can find more information here.

Q: Where can I go?
A: On KTH’s website there is a list of which schools that KTH has a deal with. It is also specified which programs that can go where.

Q: How do I apply for exchange studies?
A: Contact the coordinator for exchange studies. You can find more information here.


Q: Can I switch programmes?
A: You need to contact to contact KTH:s central guidance counseling to discuss your switch if you need to complement courses etc.

Q: Can I count in courses at my new programme?
A: Some courses are read by all or almost all students at KTH, or at least the courses can sometimes be similar to each other. In those cases you don’t have to read the course twice. You should always take contact with the student counselor to see which courses you can take account of at the new program.

Q: I am studying “högskoleingenjör” but want to study to “civilingenjör” after my degree. What do I do?
A: Firstly it is recommended to complete the course “ Numerical Methods and Basic Programming” that gives you eligibility for the master programmes. This course can be taken in your third year, when you have elective courses. Secondly you need to take “an extra year (60 credits)” where you will take some of the courses that the “civilingenjör”programme read exclusively. These are: “Grundläggande fysik”, “Differentialekvationer 1”, “Termodynamik”, “Molekylär struktur”, “ Kemisk dynamik”, “ Materialens kemi och egenskaper” and “ Flervariabelanalys”. This can be taken either before or after your master studies. Contact the programme responsible teacher, Sara Naumann, alternatively Maria Orgmets or Per Dalhammar to further discuss the matter.


Q: Who do I contact if I need support regarding physical or mental health?
A; You can always contact “Studenthälsan’’ which consists of psychiatrists, nurses and doctors. You can book an appointment here.


Q: What is demanded to enroll for a master?
A: A total of 150 credits has to be finalized from year 1-3 on a civil engineering program at KTH where of at least 110 from year 1 and 2 included a finalized bachelor thesis.

Q: Can I read a master at another university?
A: The curriculum can differ between universities, this can for example effect the amount of credits needed in specific subjects that gives you eligibility to apply for that master. Contact the student counselor at both KTH and the other university to see if you need to complement any courses.

Bachelor thesis

Q: What is demanded to do the bachelor thesis?
A: To be able to apply to do the bachelor thesis in the civil engineer programmes, Teknisk Kemi and Bioteknik, you need 105 completed credits from the obligatory courses in your first three years (at least 90 credits from year one and two combined, and at least 50 credits from year one exclusively). These credits must be completed after period 1 in the third year, at the latest. To be able to start working with the bachelor thesis, you need 120 completed credits from the courses in the undergraduate level of your programme. For the Kemiteknik programme, you will need at least 140 completed credits.